Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sick again?

So Joseph has a fever right now. It is a low grade fever, only 100.7. Samuel's temperature was at 99 when I put him to bed. At least tomorrow is Joseph's 4 year check-up and Samuel's 9 month check-up. Kayla and Destiny are both sick and we went trick or treating with Kayla, Robert and Jessica yesterday.

Joseph learned a couple of new dinosaur names because he got them for his birthday: pachycephalosaurus, utah raptor, and camarasaurus. He loves dinosaurs so much. Today he set them up as a country.

Samuel is on the verge of crawling. He rocks back and forth and kind of hops to where he wants to go. He may not crawl but he is everywhere. Everyday he gets stuck under the fireplace ledge in our basement family room.

It is so fun to see Joseph and Samuel interact. Joseph makes Samuel laugh a lot and he follows his big brother's actions. Tonight he would roll and hop to wherever Joseph happened to be playing. He would then proceed to laugh when he caught Joseph.

I forgot to mention that we got called as primary teachers. Of course we have been in the ward for almost 2 years and this is our first official calling. We have the 7 and 8 year olds. There are only 4 boys in the class. Today Joe stayed home with Samuel who was having a very rough go of things and had a slight temperature (apparently he screamed the entire time Joseph and I were gone). I only had 3 of the 4 boys today but man were they a handfull. I was at my wit's end by the time we were done with the second hour of primary.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That age (in primary) can be a handful. I taught the 7/8 year olds for a while and they really feed off of each other. I had a much bigger class though - about 15 kids, although most weeks there weren't that many. When there were, it was REALLY hard to teach! That is nice that most weeks Joe will be there to team teach with you. I hope your boys are feeling better soon!