Monday, November 23, 2009


Things are always hectic around our house. Here are some pics of our boys.
Joseph high-fiving a dinosaur...or at least the print.
Joseph wanted to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house, so I bundled them up because it was cold. Samuel was not happy about his outfit that made him look like a smurf. It is a little small on him, but at least he was warm.
Samuel couldn't wait for me to lay him down for a nap, so he took one in his seat instead.
I walked upstairs to go to the bathroom and I found Joseph in bed reading a book instead of sleeping. It was cute. I ran downstairs to get my camera. He likes books that require him to find things. The book he is looking at is one that you have to find things that are not right in the pictures. He laughed everytime something funny was on the page.
Samuel and daddy. He enjoys it when daddy tickles his belly with his chin. This is right before a tickledown.

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