Monday, November 9, 2009

Samuel's success!!

He is getting big so fast. I have discovered that Samuel loves to eat paper and one of his new favorites, his wipes. If the container is open, he dives in. I have to be sure to leave the container closed. For instance, today I changed his diaper and left the room. I closed the container and heard lots of rustling in my room. What did I find? Samuel eating a whole in a grocery ad. Anyways...this is my cute baby crawling. He kind of hops still when he crawls and his right leg seems to get caught under him. With more practice, he will be a pro in no time. As it is, since Saturday, he has made great progress.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That is so cute! I love how they start out so purposeful and it takes every ounce of energy. I especially love that he was going for your laptop! haha :)