Saturday, October 31, 2009

Craziness never ends...

Life has been so crazy lately. Here is a brief synopsis of the past few weeks:

1. Joseph turned 4. He is so excited and recieved so many great gifts. He had a fun dinosaur themed birthday party with pinata and games.

2. We went trick or treating tonight. Joseph loved getting lots of candy. Samuel also got candy...but mommy and daddy will have to eat it. ;) At the last house we knocked on, Joseph took a step back from the door after getting his candy and he didn't realize how close he was to the steps. He fell backwards and rolled down 4 concrete steps before getting stopped by a brick wall. He cried all the way to my parent's house. Poor kid. I kept him up longer to watch him and see if he was okay.

3. We got H1N1 flu shots on Tuesday. It was cold and we waited for 4 hours in line. That is because we found a friend who let us get in line with her and she was about 700 in line. Otherwise, we would have been like number 2000 or so.

4. Speaking of H1N1, one of my mom's kids might have it. We found out tonight after I had taken the other kids out trick or treating and had left Samuel with grandpa at their house. :P Hopefully my boys won't get sick.

5. We had an offer on our house but then found out they wanted us to pay an additional $9000 for closing costs and repairs. After realtor fees and other things, we would have lost too much money on the house. Needless to say, we are waiting for more offers. I will start looking for and applying for jobs this week. I just hope and pray we sell before I have to go back to work. In the past week, we have had tons of people come and look. Hopefully that translates into lots of offers.

6. I discovered more foods that Sameul will eat. He likes food that has chicken and turkey. He liked his green beans and rice. Unlike when we first began, he gets very excited to eat solids these days. He still can't drink from a bottle.

7. Uncle David came over last night to watch scary movies with us. We watched a Korean horror movie called "A Tale of Two Sisters." It had me so confused until the very end. There were some creepy moments. We also watched Faces of Death. It was pretty gross.

8. I have read a number of books, including the first Fablehaven. I liked it soooo much more than Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo. The characters were more engrossing and the story better written. After reading the first Leven Thumps, I decided I didn't want to read more. I am still waiting for the next Fablehaven book from the library. I also read Syren. It too was much more interesting than Leven Thumps. I finished Helter Skelter. Not my typical read, but I was amazed at how they built the case against Charles Manson and his "family."

9. Joseph loves preschool. We do themed lessons and Joseph enjoys being with the other kids. During the firefighter unit, they played a game where they needed to save a turtle from a fire. The teacher put blue lines on the floor that the kids needed to follow. They also had to avoid the fire which were red balloons. Joseph was the best firefighter because he followed directions to a T. He was the only kid to do so.

I am so tired and need to get to bed. In the next few days, I will post some pictures.

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