Saturday, November 22, 2008

Well, BYU lost. I was disappointed, but at the same time, it was to be expected. Utah has a great team this year. It is good that they will get lots of money and it will be spread around the conference. I left during the second half and maybe that is why we lost. Of course, I have a hard time watching any game involving a team that I am rooting for. I usually feel that I will jinx them in some way.

I am ready for Thanksgiving break. I have lots to do to get the house in order. Joe has been working hard. He tiled the shower last night and has grouted the kitchen, the bathroom and I think he is doing the shower right now. I have been washing clothes all weekend and I cleaned the kitchen. Joseph has been wanting to play all day. We raced cars last night, and this morning. He watched dumbo this morning. He thought the pink elephants on parade portion was scary, but he enjoyed it. We have also made 3 thank you cards. We still need to make 6 more. The baby is moving a lot and likes to move on my bladder. Joseph got a kick out the baby the other night. I was putting him to bed. The baby was moving a lot, so I asked Joseph if he wanted to touch his baby brother. The baby put on quite a show. He kicked, he moved, he wiggled and Joseph found it to be hilarious. He loved it and laughed for a long time.

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