Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Just because I have it

Here is a picture of me at 30 weeks. I swear I look a lot bigger in person. Man, I hate my double chin! The baby moves a ton. He is quite active. Our next ultrasound is December 4th at 9 a.m. Hopefully all is better. It is fun to feel him move, I just dislike the acid reflux that I have nightly that wakes me up. I will be glad when I don't have that any more. Oh, and stretching is painful, as is turning from side to side at night (I look forward to sleeping on my back and on my belly in the future).


Becca said...

You look great! Seriously, not too shabby for being 30 weeks. It reminds me of when you were pregnant with Joseph. Oh, and I remember the first time I slept on my belly after Jack was born; it felt sooooo amazing!

Anonymous said...

Double chin, please! You look great.
Your hair is so long.
I can't believe that you're going to deliver soon. I just seems like yesterday when you announced that you were pregnant again.