Tuesday, November 11, 2008

29 week check-up

I had my check-up yesterday. I weigh 149.5 pounds. The baby is active and the heartbeat is strong. Everything seems okay thus far. I do have to go in for another ultrasound in about 3 weeks. The baby's obstruction is still there. There is not much more to say on that.

Joseph was kissing and hugging his baby brother last night. Joseph would put his face on my belly and say that the baby kicked him. He even tried to tickle his baby brother. He wants the "2" babies to come out right now. I told him that that 1 baby would come in January. He keeps insisting on 2 babies: a boy and a girl. Still no name for the baby.

I have said that I make up songs that I don't remember. Last night Joseph requested the spider-web song I had made up. It took me a minute to realize what song he was talking about. He described it to me. I remembered that a few nights ago I made up a song about a little spider that needed to find a place to spin his web. He went all over the place till he found a little boy named Joseph. Then he built his web from his nose to his toes, from his toes to his mouth, and so forth. The "spider," my hand, would then crawl to each place that was name and in process tickle him. He laughed and laughed and then said he wanted to sing it for me. He copied my actions and tickled me for a bit. It was cute to see him smile and laugh.

Joseph has taken to singing as he does things. He sings a going to the door song or other random diddies that come to mind.

1 comment:

Merde said...

He is just so precious!!