Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Today has been a long day. I stopped by to say "hi" to Joseph after a meeting. He wanted to come to work with me. I was in and out all day. At 3 today, the biotechnology club opening social started. One of the speakers coming (we had 5), was my old chair at BYU. He saw me and gave me a big hug and talked to me. When he left, he kissed my cheek and gave me a big hug. It was unexpected. Maybe he still feels bad for what happened a few years ago. Oh well.

Joseph, as he was going to bed, said, "mommy, I want to keep you." It makes me sad that day after day I have to drop him off and by the time I get off, I am so tired that I can hardly function. Maybe it will be easier after the baby comes. ;)

I am very grateful for my little boy and my husband. I am still waiting to hear back on the ultrasound results. If the doctor hasn't called by noon tomorrow, I am bothering him again. I called yesterday, but haven't heard anything. They said they would have it in 24 hours and that was completed as of yesterday morning at 9:15 am.

I got the results. So it looks like the babies obstruction is still there. It is measuring a little bigger to not that much bigger than before. They need me to have another ultrasound at 32-33 weeks (so in 4 weeks or so). If it is still there, they will start talking to a nephrologist to determine what needs to happen when the baby is born. The baby will get an ultrasound after he is born. Depending on what the nephrologist says, the baby may need surgery to put in a stint or they might wait. That is the latest update. There are a lot of "if this, then that" scenarios. The doctor did say that a lot of babies are born without their right kidney and they are just fine. Should I take solace in his statement?

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