Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mishi Tag

4x6 - go to your fourth picture file and post the 4th picture, and then repeat with your sixth file, sixth picture.

This is the day that we went to the Museum of Ancient Life. We were taking Alison and Ryan to look at reception halls and we took a little break here. I guess it is one of the largest (if not the largest) dinosaur museum in the states. This is a picture of supersaurus. Joseph loves dinosaurs at the moment. Also, he likes me to sing him "scary" songs about Halloween that I make up. He remembers them and I typically don't, so I have to remake up songs often.


This a a picture of Joseph eating calamari. He really likes the "little octopus" and asks us to get it for him on occasion. He won't eat some ordinary foods, but calamari is a must with him. We are at Carrabba's in Orem. On this night as well, we had asked for a fruit bowl. The waiter forgot it and one of the assistant managers (who we know fairly well) gave Joseph a huge bowl of fruit that he prepared himself. Joseph truly enjoyed all the attention and the great food. I can't say enough about their sirloin marsala. It is the best steak ever!

I tag Meredith, Alison, Amy, Ernest and Lydia, and Danika (I don't know how often she reads this). I know Brittney reads this, but I remember her doing this on her blog.

Before I forget, last night as I was putting Joseph to sleep (which took 3 hours), he told me that his tummy hurt. I asked him why and he said that daddy had gone into his belly and eaten all his food. He also said that his heart is still broken. I asked him why and he said that daddy had eaten part of his heart. What an imagination!

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