Thursday, April 1, 2010


The past few days seem so long. Yesterday was a fairly normal day to begin with and around 10 a.m., Samuel started to get fussy. He seemed tired and I just thought it was because he wanted a nap. We were at Joseph's school and I was in the director's office. She and her financial person were out because they had been sick. Well, Samuel soon followed suit. He puked all over me multiple times. I was grossed out, but didn't vomit as well. I had to strip him down and try and clean him, then find a way to clean the room. I took Joseph out of class and we went home.

All day, for the next 12 hours, he vomited repeatedly. At its worse, he vomited every 10 to 15 minutes. Not a fun day. I put him to sleep on some blankets in the living room and "slept" on the couch. He puked one last time at around 11 p.m. and then he fell asleep till 2:30 in the morning. He was really thirsty. I gave him a little bit and then tried to get some rest. Unfortunately for me, I didn't sleep too well because I was feeling kind of sick. Yeah...I vomited at about 6 in the morning. I had a fever most of today. I kept Joseph home from school because he ate some yogurt and said his tummy hurt. Sad really because today was going to be his first soccer game. Last night he slept in his cleats, shin guards, and shorts, with the ball next to his bed.

At about 1 this afternoon, Joseph started to vomit as well. Apparently there is a nasty bug going around and lots of people are sick. Edward was sick, Esteban is not feeling well. I just hope Joe doesn't get sick also. Samuel was much better today. I felt bad because I felt so sick I couldn't really hold him. Samuel was happy to eat real food and I know Joseph is ready to eat also. I know I am. Tonight Joseph also started to describe his vomit to daddy. He had a lot of orange gatorade to drink, plus the yogurt (I will leave the rest to your imagination).

A few things Joseph said:
"Virus...stop making me sick."
"I feel a little bit sick and a LOT better."
"There is only 1 virus left in my tummy."
"I will be the best soccer player. I have the best shoes."

Tonight I took Joseph to meet his soccer coach. They were having team pictures. Joseph was able to be in it. It was freezing outside. My ears were hurting and Joseph was ready to put his coat back on during their team pictures. We stayed to watch for a few minutes. He is sooooo excited to play.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Ewwww that sounds awful!!! I hope you guys are all feeling good again!