Happy 29th to my handsome husband! He didn't want a cake, but we wanted to sing to him. I figured this was a good alternative. :)
For dinner, we went to Goodwood BBQ. Joseph was very excited all day because he knew it was daddy's birthday. Before he left for work, we sang to him and brought him one of his presents (Raspberry Ice). While at the restaurant (warning: gross bathroom talk about to occur), Joseph had an accident while in the bathroom and he got me as well (number 1 if you must know). Luckily, I had his school backpack in the car and they have us keep a change of pants and underwear in there in case something happens while he is in class. I felt bad for the lady in the next stall, because she was tooting a lot, and Joseph looked at me and said loudly, "Mommy, what is that noise?" I was so embarrassed for the lady. Afterwards, Joseph struck up a conversation with her and luckily did not bring up anything about the noise.
Prior to dinner, we went to look at a couple of houses. It looks like we are staying in Utah for the short term.
Staying in Utah???
Ditto. Staying in Utah?
All signs point to yes. :)
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