Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Yesterday was the last $2 day of the month, so I had told Joseph we would go to the Museum of Ancient Life (aka Dinosaur Museum). We were going to go with Brittney and her kids, but they were sick. We did run into her sister, Heather, at the museum. When we got there, the line was out the door and we had to wait a little over 20 minutes just to get in to pay. We went through the starry night and hurried to the water and sand table.
Standing room only in the dinosuar excavation area. Joseph was having fun till someone took his brush. I don't know if they took it or he put it down and someone grabbed it. There were not enough to go around.
"I told you it would be busy..." I like this because it looks like Samuel is telling Joseph something. Joseph wanted Samuel to wear the same outfit as him. I was trying to change it because Samuel drooled all over the shirt. I had to let it dry before we went so he could wear it.

Joseph finally found a place to play. He had to wedge himself in after walking around looking for someplace to play. It was insanity. There were sooooo many people.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I can't believe how grown up Samuel is looking! I feel like I JUST saw him, but he looks completely different. I love the boys in their matching outfits. Cute.