Thursday, August 6, 2009

Samuel, solids, solutions

Well, Samuel is doing lots better with solids since I last posted about it. He does not like carrots, but pears, peaches, prunes, sweet potatoes and bananas are good. Yesterday I took him to the doctor to have his eyes checked because they were awfully red, especially his left eye. The doctor thinks he scratched his eye when he was rubbing it. He is so cute and chubby...a positively perfect little cherubic baby (minus the wings). They weighed him and asked about his eating habits. He was a couple of ounces shy of 20 pounds. He is soooooooo cute (in my opinion).

Joseph is a sweetheart. He has sort of mastered the art of peeing standing up and without help from mommy. He is so proud of himself. We are working on getting him to wash his hands, but even with a step stool, it is a little tall...I need to turn the water on for him. Now we just need to get him to poop on his own and clean himself. We are thinking that we should wait and see if we are moving before enrolling him in a preschool. We had playgroup yesterday and one of the sisters was talking about homeschool. Maybe that is what we will do. I just want him to have fun and learn and be smart.

Tomorrow we should be getting sod! Yay!!! It is drought resistant, green, and made for high traffic (20 cents a square foot, delivered for free, 5600 square feet...ouch and good at the same time). Now it's time for our house to sell. So sell

I heard the song "Jeremy's spoken" by Pearl Jam today on the radio. I want my boys to be well adjusted and not teased or bullied. I want them to be happy and good. The song almost had me in tears. Lots of random things like that can make me emotional. I cried during Pet Semetary because the little boy was killed. I felt so bad for Captain Barbosa in Pirates 1 because he didn't get to eat his apple. Yeah. Weird, I know.

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