Saturday, August 29, 2009

Busy week

It has been an insanely busy week and I am soooooooo very tired. I should go to bed, but I keep distracting myself. We cleaned all day yesterday and everything looked so good for today's realtor tour...except that it got cancelled. We did have someone come look at the house today. His realtor said he liked it but was going to talk it over with his dad. I hope that means we will get an offer soon.

I just finished reading P.S. I love you. It made me cry. I don't want to lose my husband or my kids or any of my loved ones anytime soon. I don't know who sings a song that has gone through my head a lot, but some of the words are "let me watch my children grow, to see what they become...oh Lord don't let that cold wind blow till I'm too old to die young." That is a prayer that I have in my heart always.

Today was library day. We went and returned the books we had checked out a couple of weeks ago and got a new batch. Joseph got a lot of bug books. He also chose 2 signing time dvds. He enjoys signing, especially plane. In our last batch, he really loved a book called Barnyard Lullaby. I made up a tune to what the barnyard animals were singing to their babies. He really likes the I Spy books. We got another 2 of those in this batch. He did not enjoy the Simple People by Tedd Arnold. He loved the book Tuesday by David Wiesner. It is a picture book about frogs that one night inexplicably fly on their lily pads and have various adventures. We "read" that one a lot. In our last batch, he really enjoyed Joseph Had a Little Overcoat. It was super cute. It is the story of man who uses something till he loses it and even then creates
something out of nothing.

I have started to read to Samuel and let him play with books. He is so cute and grabbing anything that is close enough to reach. He also still does his butt bounce to move forward. He is rolling all over the place and almost rolled off our bed the other day. I caught him before he did. Samuel definitely wants to move around more. He almost got into a crawling position. It is cute to watch Joe with him because he anticipates being tickled and looks over at his daddy and laughs and smiles. He reaches out to Joe a lot. He rolls onto his back and onto his belly and "crawls" without using his arms. It is usually a face plant and push himself forward with his legs till he reaches what he wants. One of his favorite pasttimes at the moment is to empty the diaper bag out when he is close to it. Today I put something back in and he promptly took it out again and did this multiple times as I tried to put it away. Samuel is also getting used to the idea that if he is standing up and people try to walk with him, he can move his feet.

Joseph is so cute with Samuel. He loves his little brother. It doesn't mean that he doesn't take away toys that he is playing with, but he likes to hug and kiss him lots. He checks on him periodically when he is napping and will run in to say that he is good.

Joseph likes to make up songs that always begin "Once upon a time" and then he sings about whatever. He is experimenting with laughing right now and has a very weird laugh at the moment. He also tells stories about different things and will say, "that is the end of that story." He still loves dinosaurs, bugs, cars, animals, books, and berries.

I love my boys so much. They are so great and so beautiful. Heavenly Father has blessed me with 2 of his precious children! They have such calm temperments overall and are patient when I need to get things done. It doesn't mean they don't demand attention now and again, but they wait for me.

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