Monday, August 10, 2009


Joseph: "Mommy, are you skinny?"
Mommy: "What do you think?"
Joseph: "You are getting there because Samuel is out of your belly."
Mommy: "Yep, Samuel is out of my belly."
Joseph: "How do babies get in bellies?"
Mommy: (at a loss on how to explain the concept of sex without using techinical terms and thinking that her son is waaaaay to young for a sex talk pauses and doesn't know what to say) "They grow there." (Not a very good answer at all)
Joseph: "They grow there?!"
Mommy: "I will get back to you on that."

Now comes the research on how to explain to toddlers where babies come from.


Vatonurse said...

HAHAHA! That's too funny. I'm definitely not looking forward to that conversation with Elena. I'm curious to know what you come up with, let us know.

Karen Nihipali Wicke said...

lololol. that is hilarious!
Perfect answer,