Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I finally downloaded pics to my computer...

Here are Samuel and Joseph dressed up for church. We still couldn't take Samuel, but I wanted to see him in this outfit, just in case he outgrows it too fast. He is a lot longer than Joseph was, so there are many outfits that he hasn't worn that are too tight to put on him now. Lots of the long sleeved shirts fit him short and some of the pants look like capris. Joseph was very excited to be holding his baby brother. There is mommy's hand to make sure that baby didn't fall or that Joseph didn't lean in too hard.
Joe loved the profile shot. That is what my belly looked like with Samuel on the inside. I look tired. Boy am I ever. Kudos to mothers with more than one child. I am beyond exhausted, but I manage to function each day. That doesn't mean a lot gets done, but I do what I can.

Here is Grandma Rankin with 3 of her grandkids. She missed Nathan lots too. Mackenzie was fascinated with Samuel. In pics before this, she had her hand on his head and kept leaning in to see what she was holding.
More pics of my 2 boys. Crazy. I have 2 little boys. They are so sweet. Joseph has since gotten a haircut. He really needed it. Joe begged for me to let him have a mullett, but I wouldn't let him do it. Joseph did okay for part of the haircut, but proceeded to cry. He says that it was "not nice" to cut his hair.
This picture shows why he needed a haircut. Also, how happy he was to be holding his brother and his cousin. Mackenzie looks happy also. Samuel just looks like he is in a daze. Look at how loose those sleeves are on him. He is in that outfit right now and they almost look like half sleeves and are not nearly as loose. I exaggerate, but only a little.
Superbowl Sunday. Can you tell who we were rooting for? Great Grandpa Azro would be so proud. Joseph wore that outfit as did his father and uncles back in the day.
Joseph during the superbowl.
Samuel during the superbowl. Already he is mimicing his big brother.
Uncles Eddie and Esteban taking turns holding their nephew. I thinkit is funny that when Joseph was born, they didn't think he was that cute. When Samuel was born, they thought he was cute. Of course, they adore Joseph and think he is "soooo cute" to quote them. They think Samuel is cute too. When they come, they hold him and burp him. They still haven't volunteered to change his diaper. :)
Look at his cheeks in this picture. Now close your eyes and picture them chubbier. That is Samuel now. I tried to show his blue-gray eyes. They are still that color now. I womder when they will change?
Joseph kissing his brother's hand. Did I mention that Joseph loves his brother?

My 2 boys asleep in the car. They are wearing matching outfits, but I never had a chance to take pics when they were awake. Another day.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Samuel is BEYOND adorable! Mackenzie looks almost bald in these pictures (even though she REALLY isn't!) because your boys have so much hair! Too cute! I love how happy Joseph seems to be an older brother/oldest cousin! Thanks for posting!