Sunday, March 22, 2009

Why do weekends go by so fast?

This is Samuel at 2 months. Friday we took him in for his check up. He weighed 12.96 pounds (80th percentile), was 24.01" long (87th percentile), wiht a head that was in the 64th percentile. They must have changed the scales because Joseph at 2 months weighed 13 pounds 15 ounces and was in the 77th percentile for weight. He was 23.8" long and was in the 66th percentile for length. I'd have to look for the sheet that told his head size, but I want to say that it was in the 90th by that time. Samuel coos a lot more. He is still very easily angered if he doesn't get food right away.
We were trying to get a picture of Samuel smiling. This was as close as we could get at this point.

Joseph likes to pose for the camera. He likes to put his hands in funky positions and do funny things with his face. It almost looks like he is rocking out in this picture. Today he gave me 2 pennies so that I could stay home with him permanently. Don't I wish that was all it took.

This was a great smile. He was looking over at his older brother. They both went to work with me last week.

It was nice out, so we went to a park. Here is Samuel. He lost his socks in the car, but it was nice out, so I didn't worry too much.


Becca said...

Wow, Samuel is such a cutie!!

Michelle said...

I love all of the pics! My favorite of Samuel is the one 2nd from the end. Cute, cute boys! I didn't realize they were so big at 2 months! Not as big as Nathan, but still pretty big (Joseph was close, except shorter).

That's nice that you were able to take both of your boys to work. I could never get away with that. Hopefully you can actually get work done.

Good luck this week with another week at work!