Friday, March 6, 2009

There's a party in my yummy!

I don't know if any of you have watched Yo Gabba, Gabba! They sing random songs and this is one that Joseph happens to have taken a liking to. When he eats anything, he will sing this or say that the food he is eating is joining the party in his tummy. Today it snowed a little, but that did not deter Joseph from wanting to sit in our flower bed with his work trucks and play in the dirt. I was going to get a video, but he was inside before I could.

Speaking of tummies. Here is Samuel enjoying tummy time. He handles it a little better than Joseph did.

I sold my wedding dress. I figured that I had stored it for long enough (6 years). It is a gorgeous dress and I will miss it. I figured that I will never have daughters, seeing as Samuel is our last child. I did keep my tiara. The girl who bought my dress was so grateful. I guess she and her family have been going through a rough spot and they were afraid she wouldn't have a nice dress for her wedding. I wore the dress four times and I lent it to a friend for her wedding in Brazil. I am happy that someone else can look beautiful on her wedding day!

Samuel slept for 6 hours last night! Yay! Of course, I kept waking up because I couldn't believe that he was really asleep. Yesterday afternoon, I even got a nap in. Joseph came and napped with me (he hates naps). Today I slept for about 20 minutes while Samuel napped and Joseph watched Chip and Dale. I don't know if Samuel will sleep as long tonight, but here's to wishing.

I have been waiting to hear back from UVU to see if I will recieve the severance package. Everyday I check the mailbox like I am waiting for a college acceptance letter. Part of me thinks that it won't happen because I don't know if I make enough to warrant their attention. It would be a big blessing because then I can stay home with Joseph and Samuel. I know my mom can't watch both of them and we don't have enough to pay someone to watch them. That is one big reason we are planning on putting our house on the market. It will free up our options for work and for me to stay home. Joe's work is not giving raises this year because of the economy. His supervisor is going to see if they can get him a promotion, but I doubt that will happen. They work him so hard and don't reward him nearly enough. I think he needs to find a new job.

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