Sunday, December 7, 2008

Toad's halloween party

Well, still no sign of our toad. Joseph has told me that the toad is having Halloween. Apparently, our toad is trick or treating and hasn't come back because he is getting lots of candy.

I have talked to Joseph about the possibility of us moving. He told grandma the other day that we are going to move and when we do, mommy, daddy and Joseph get to be together more. Insightful kid.

When I say, "I love you little one!"
Joseph says, "I love you big one!"

He has helped me wrap presents. All he wants from Santa is a swimming dinosaur (preferably dinosuchus) and a treehouse (both Melissa and Doug and Maxim have them). It costs $90, so that may have to wait. He will have a great Christmas! Already he is saying that Christmas is tomorrow morning.

I have made some progress cleaning, but I still have so much to do before Saturday. At least I am almost done with all the laundry. Now I have to sweep and mop the kitchen and huge room, and vacuum our basement and bedrooms. My mom has given us her expensive couch and chair. They are not necessarily our taste, but they are comfortable. She also gave us some dishes. She doesn't like the couches or the dishes we have, so she gives us the things that suit her taste in hopes that we get rid of our "junk." It is nice of her to give us the items and we are grateful for them.

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