Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mommy, who am I going to marry?

Tonight we dropped Alison and Ryan off at the airport. On our way back, Joseph and I were looking for the Oquirrh (?) temple. I think we had passed it. I decided to explain part of what the temple means for marriage. Joseph then said that he was going to marry Alison. He said, "when I get bigger, I marry Alison and carry her." This is from a conversation that happened on the way to the airport. Joseph wanted Alison to carry me to the car. Alison said she couldn't carry me, but that Ryan could carry her.

After I told him that Alison was marrying Ryan, he paused and said, "mommy, I marry you." I told him that I would love him for always, but that I was married to daddy. He said that when grew up and got married, daddy and I could get married and dance (something he associates with marriage). His 2 options gone for marriage, he asked me, "mommy, who am I going to marry." I said that after he was in college and after his mission, that he would meet a beautiful young lady and they would be married in the temple. That is when he said daddy and I would dance.

On the way back, he was falling asleep and he didn't want to stop anywhere. I needed to change his diaper so that I could be sure that he wouldn't fall asleep in anything that would give him a rash. Well, we got him changed (no thanks to the person who almost hit our car parking in the stall next to ours outside). We made it back into Utah Valley and then started to listen to Christmas music. Joseph enjoys it. Well, he had not been talking for a little bit, so I turned the stations to regular music. I turned it on to 94.9 the Blaze and they were playing GNR's "Sweet child of mine." I had only been listening for a few seconds when Joseph pipes up from the back, "that sounds like guitar hero." He went right back to sleep afterwards. I thought it was funny. One of our sure fire ways of getting him to nap is to play "Guitar hero" or "Super mario kart." He watches for a few minutes, makes himself comfortable on the couch, and then falls right asleep with a chorus of whatever song happens to be playing.

This morning, he woke up and crawled into our room as he let out tiny roars. I saw my "baby stegosaurus" and went to pick him up. He was happy that "mommy stegosaurus" was there. He is excited to go to work with me on Monday and Tuesday. I would take him tomorrow, but I have an appointment and will be taking the biology advisor's students since she is on holiday (lucky Kim).

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