Monday, December 15, 2008

Nursery trouble

Joseph is excited that he starts sunbeams in a few weeks. Of course, he really doesn't want to go to nursery either. This is not the first time he has wanted to skip out on nursery. We asked him why he didn't want to go. He said there were mean boys that liked to push him in nursery. Well, we talked to him about that a little and I said that I would talk to his leader. When we were taking him to nursery, he said that he would tell us if anybody pushed him again.

I spoke to his leader and asked how Joseph behaved in nursery. She said he was very good. I asked her if there were any kids that Joseph got into fights with. She asked if Joseph was saying something and I repeated what he had told me. She said that a couple of weeks ago, there was one little boy that was really aggressive towards all the other kids, Joseph being one of them. She apologized and said the situation was taken care of. Well, Joseph stayed and we went to Sunday School. When Joe picked him afterwards, he said that he had fun. I did visit him between Sunday School and Relief Society. They were having snacks. He had 3 animal crackers left on his napkin. I asked why he wasn't eating them and he said that he didn't like them. One of the nursery leaders brought him more goldfish and took the animal crackers away. I waved goodbye with one finger and he did the same. He is so cute!!

I decided that I didn't want to stay in the k-z class because there are a couple of people that really interrupt and get off topic easily in class. It really bothers me, so I felt that it would be better for me to attend the a-j class. Joe agreed. This is the first time I was able to listen and enjoy the lesson in a long time.

A sister yesterday met Joe for the first time and she kept smiling and staring at him. It weirded him out a bit, especially because she told me, "Your husband is very handsome." It reminded me of when a sister in a different ward came up to Joe one Sunday and said, "You have the most gorgeous eyes, you should let me paint them sometime." She was an artist. I have to agree, I do have a very handsome husband.

Joseph loved that it snowed and wanted to walk in it before and after church. He wants to build snowmen with Joe, because Joseph and I are too small. He also wanted to wrap lots of presents with the excess paper we had. He know has lots of presents from himself under the tree.

This morning, as I was dropping him off at Grandma's, I said, "I am going to miss you little one."
He said, "I am going to miss you big one." I love my little boy!!

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