Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pics from the past few weeks

We have spent the past couple of weeks downsizing. It is one way to minimize costs so I can stay home with the boys. Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.
Samuel and Joseph enjoying the empty toy cupboard. Samuel and Joseph closed the doors (mainly Joseph) to stay in their "house." I love Joseph's crazy hair in this picture.
We went to the dinosaur museum for FHE a couple of weeks ago. I forgot my camera. :( It would have been fun to take pictures of all of us there. Samuel enjoyed crawling around the museum and Joseph enjoyed building a dino with daddy.
Samuel loves rocking on the dinosaur that was in his big brother's room. It is fun to watch just how excited he is about rocking back and forth. When you stop rocking, he tries to do it himself. This picture was taken right before Joseph let go and Samuel fell of the dino. Aunt Alison and Uncle Ryan managed to get this super cute shot before it did. You can't see Samuel's 2 front teeth, but I will try and get a pic of just how cute they are.
After our first really big snowstorm, Joseph was ready to go outside and tackle the snow. We bundled him up and he spent a ton of time throwing his dinosaurs in it as well as throwing snowballs at daddy.
Mommy and Samuel. He loves to crawl over to me when he is tired. He grabs my arm and pulls it towards him so that I get the hint that he is ready to be picked up. If I am walking and he is tired, he crawls after me and will bump my leg to get my attention. What a cutie!

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