Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy 1st birthday Samuel!!!

Happy 1st b-day to our cute little guy Samuel! He is one and so full of life. It is fun to see how much of his personality is established. He weighs a little over 20 pounds, but we don't have his official 1 year appointment for another few days.
In his pjs. He loves to walk around furniture but is still very hesitant to let go and try and take some steps.
Him in his birthday "suit." He just looked cute so I took some pictures.
Birthday mess. He had a small cake that we put a candle on and sang to him. As you can tell he demolished the cake and tried it after 3 minutes of destroying in it. He then pushed it onto the floor and laughed.
Here he is riding in style in his little cozy coupe. He thought it was fun when I pushed him around in it and he held on to the steering wheel. Here is a brief synopsis at 1:
-says "dadadadada (his first real sound)," "mamamamama," and "babababa"
-loves harvest vegetables but not peas or green beans
-loves bananas and other fruits
-loves baths
-loves to crawl and play with his big brother. He laughs and laughs when he interacts with Joseph.
-loves walking along furniture
-loves crawling up stairs and into bathrooms
-dislikes naps and getting to bed
-loves when daddy plays with him
-loves to act shy around people that talk to him
If I think of more, I will write it later.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm sorry I missed his birthday! My new goal this year was to send cards for all birthday, but I'm not doing so well! We've had a busy month. Happy late Birthday little Samuel!