Monday, April 20, 2009


Last night was my grandmother's viewing. I stayed up late on Friday preparing the program and a recipe that we included with the program. Everything was very peaceful. The Restwood Funeral and Memorial Park were an amazing group to work with. I saw family and cousins that I haven't seen since I was a girl. I saw my Tia Gloria and my Tia Rosie. I saw my great Tias Nena y Tome. I saw my cousins Leslie, J.J., Irene, and Laura. I saw old church friends. All in all, it was fun to see so much family. My grandmother looked at peace. I spoke and sang a song. Joseph got up after me and said that he was going to say the closing prayer. I only understood that we are thankful for dinosaurs, that we are going back to Provo, that we are moving to New Jersey, that we won't get bitten by spiders. When I tried to stop him, he put up his pointer finger and said "No mommy, I am going to say a super long, long prayer." I had to get up and get him. He cried.

My Tia Tome saw me and said, "You've gained weight!" My Tia Nena said, "No se dice eso (You're not suppposed to say that)!" Tia Tome then said, "Well, she did!"

Esteban spoke at the funeral. He did a wonderful job. The Spirit was there. Surprisingly, he has a nice singing voice. Most of our family croak like frogs when we sing. :) This is my first time planning a funeral. I dressed my grandma in her temple clothes for the burial. She looked so beautiful. I will blog more later. We are going to Corpus right now.

1 comment:

Heather said...

video for you :)