Joseph right now:
-loves dinosaurs still. He often pretends that we are different dinosaur families. Currently, we are a spinosaurus family.
-loves berries still.
-enjoys coloring and is getting very good at it.
-likes to draw. He has a notebook with a plethora of pictures.
-loves to play with his little brother. This often entails taking a toy away from him and thus having Samuel cry.
-loves to read books. We are working on getting him to recognize words.
-likes playing soccer. He still is not very aggressive, but he likes to run around.
-is a picky eater. I think he could live off of pb&j sandwiches, mandarin oranges, peaches, dinosaur oatmeal, and pasta and never complain.
-likes to show us new things that he learns to do.
-shouts out in a Turrets like manner everytime he sees the U.S. flag. He will stop mid conversation and yell "United States of America Flag!!!"
-likes to gather toys and other things and make piles of them in random places.
-is a very affectionate little boy that smiles a lot and likes to help mommy. The other day he swept the floor to help me.
-likes to ask for things for Christmas. If we don't get him something, he says, "Santa will bring that for me for Christmas."
-loves going to the library and checking out books and movies.
Samuel right now:
-loves peas and cheese.
-loves to talk lots and laugh a lot. He still doesn't say many words but he is working on it.
-says and signs "all done." He signs more. He likes to wave his hand in front of his face for stinky. He does the sign for drink.
-waves "hello" and "goodbye."
-likes to walk around unassisted and has even learned to fall on his butt and not cry.
-enjoys being tickled and having blowfish kisses on his belly. He blows air out of his mouth when he wants you to give him more on his bare belly.
-likes to be chased and giving high fives.
-likes to pant and make chomping actions with his mouth.
-loves to climb on anything, especially stairs.
-loves to carry around his "cookie" or anything in his hands all of the time.
-enjoys pulling toys away from his big brother.
-is a super light sleeper. He is good at getting himself to sleep, but we have to be very quiet because he wakes up all the time.
-loves his baths.
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