This morning Samuel woke up at 6:40 and I was not happy. I started to complain to myself and then came to a realization. Rather than complain, I should be grateful that he slept through the night. I should be grateful that I got to bed early so I was more rested. It didn't make it easier, but at least better. Our lesson in Relief Society was a good one. The woman teaching had some examples that demonstrated just how obvious some of Heavenly Father's blessings are in her life and how you can see some of the miracles he has performed. I was thinking to myself if there were any examples of those obvious blessings. I couldn't think of any outright example, but could see many of the smaller more subtle ways he blesses me. I am going to try and look more this week.
This week will be a crazy one. I am substituting all day at the charter school I used to work for full time a few years back. It is going to be a challenge because I love my boys and will miss them sooooooooo much.
Joseph is a cutie. In his prayer last night he asked that Jesus help us get back to live with him and our Heavenly Father. Yesterday was a primary activity, so he went to B.O.O.T (build on our testimony) camp. They worked as teams and graduated B.O.O.T camp at the end. They had real soldiers there and he just had fun. He was telling us about some of the obstacle course stuff and how soldiers say "hooah" for yes. It was cute to hear him say it to his Uncle Esteban who is in the National Guard. At the end of the activity they sang Nephi's Courage. Joseph knew the hand signals to the song. I should have taken a picture of just how much fun it was to watch him sing. Next Sunday he is giving a talk on how God speaks through prophets.
Ever satiating the curious minds of friends and family (or at least trying to keep a personal record lest we forget what happened day by day).
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Today we had a very busy day. I had the lesson at Joseph's preschool and it was on trains. I ran to the library last night right before it closed to get a few books that were on hold for me. I didn't know what to do for an activity, both moving and craft. I debated on what snack to bring. I finally decided to bring some cuties, some goldfish and popsicles. For the moving activity, I put some tape on the floor and had them make a human train. Of course, to begin class, there were only 3 kids and Samuel was one of them. I was the only parent. It was kind of nice to have so few, but about 45 minutes into the class, another mom came with her 2 kids. The human train was fun. Each kid got to be the engine once and lead the other kids around the "track." We practiced making the number 7 with play-doh and had snacks. Joseph and I read the The Little Engine that Could. We brought lots of toy trains and wooden tracks for all the kids to play with and share. They did that most of free play time. Our lesson went okay. Samuel was super hungry, cranky and tired, so he wanted to be on my lap. That meant I read the book upside down and had to avoid Samuel during the craft. Joseph had fun, but tonight he was talking to us and said, "I like it when it is quiet." It is true. There are some kids that make it really loud and it was nice when there were only 2 kids because it was so quiet.
As I started to write this, Samuel was crawling around. He started to cry, so I went to check on him. The other day we bought a big packet of toilet paper. He spent yesterday night climbing all over it. Well, he managed to push it next to our bed and used it to climb onto our bed. He was stuck because he didn't want to fall off the bed. Samuel is a natural born climber, just not a natural born descender. He loves to try and climb on everything. He throws things on the floor so he can try and stand on them. What a cute and silly boy. :)
As I started to write this, Samuel was crawling around. He started to cry, so I went to check on him. The other day we bought a big packet of toilet paper. He spent yesterday night climbing all over it. Well, he managed to push it next to our bed and used it to climb onto our bed. He was stuck because he didn't want to fall off the bed. Samuel is a natural born climber, just not a natural born descender. He loves to try and climb on everything. He throws things on the floor so he can try and stand on them. What a cute and silly boy. :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Words that Joseph uses...
Predator, Prey, Carnivore, Herbivore, Arthropod, Orthocone, armored fish, saber-tooth cat (not tiger), flesh, last morning (still haven't figured this one out), so many more, but I have to hear him talk about it.
Things I love
There are certain things that I don't want to forget. Every night I rock Samuel till he is almost asleep and then I place him in his crib. If I stop rocking him, he tries to rock himself. When he doesn't want to walk to someone, he takes a step and then turns around to get back to me. I started this post yesterday. Tonight Joe and I were having Samuel walk back and forth between us. He started walking to daddy and then turned around and walked back to me. I love it when he sees me after I get back from teaching Spanish class. He gets so excited and can't stop whimpering to pick him up. He loves to sit in my lap, especially if he is super tired. We have a lot of wooden puzzles and Samuel loves to make them fall all over the place. There are certain pieces that he always gets first. There is a letter "i" with an ice cream cone on it. He crawls around with it everywhere and we usually have to look for it. Right now, the caterpillar piece ot one of our puzzles is missing because he crawled with it somewhere. He also likes the peg puzzle because he can hit two pieces together. I love my little Samuel.
Also, when I ask what vegetable we should cook for dinner, Joseph normally says carrots. His reasoning, "I don't have eagle eyes anymore. I can only see my family and my toys." He is a very helpful little boy and likes to learn how to cook different things. One other thing he especially enjoys is to wash dishes. Of course, his version of washing dishes is running the water and pouring cups of water onto things. Joseph is getting lots better at cleaning up things. The picture is of Joseph and Samuel playing with all the puzzles. They were laughing and laughing so I had to get a picture. I love to see my boys playing together. I love my big boy Joseph.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Joseph's coloring skills
Joseph is getting better at coloring. Here is a picture he started to color on Sunday and that he finished today. Other than the red and the little green plant at the bottom, Joseph did this whole thing himself. There are some black crayon marks from almost a year ago when he first got this and didn't know how to color.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Other Joseph sayings:
"Please bless that daddy won't get fired because he will get burned."
"I need hand sanitizer because I picked my nose."
"I need hand sanitizer because I picked my nose."
Family Home Evening
So Joseph chose our song for the night. In primary, they are learning the song "Follow the Prophet." At stake conference yesterday, during the intermediate hymn with the congregation, Joseph didn't know the song, so he sang "Follow the Prophet." People around us smiled. That is also the song he chose for FHE. Normally we sing the snowman song, but I wanted to sit down, so recommended it. How wrong I was. He had us stand up in a line and the first person was the prophet. Because Joseph knows the song better than us, he got lead us. It was funny marching behind him as he sang the words to the song. Here is what he sings (mind you, over and over again):
"Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, don't escape. Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, follow the prophet, he knows the way."
In his prayer for FHE: "bless that mommy and daddy will do what I want them to."
Last night in his prayer: "Bless us to have lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots of money. Bless us that we will have good dreams and not bad dreams or curious dreams."
"Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, don't escape. Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, follow the prophet, he knows the way."
In his prayer for FHE: "bless that mommy and daddy will do what I want them to."
Last night in his prayer: "Bless us to have lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots of money. Bless us that we will have good dreams and not bad dreams or curious dreams."
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Advice from Joseph
Joseph: "Mommy, you better start to exercise (as he pats my slightly pudgy belly) so that you don't lay another baby."
I think he must be right. Today I got a shin splint in my left leg while pushing our stroller down hill on a 20 minute walk from the stake center. Yeah, I am out of shape.
I think he must be right. Today I got a shin splint in my left leg while pushing our stroller down hill on a 20 minute walk from the stake center. Yeah, I am out of shape.
Friday, February 19, 2010
My artist
Joseph is getting to be quite the little artist. He enjoys drawing and has an imagination. Here is a self portrait he drew on his white board. On the Valentine card he made for daddy, he drew a picture of himself and Samuel. He also drew a tooth rocket, a dimetridon, and a sun. He also loves to learn about different places on the Earth.
Dinosaur museum...again
Since we have a family pass, it is nice to go there, especially because it is free to us. We went with my mom and the kids today. It was nice and slow at the museum, which was nice for us. We took our time and had lots of fun. Joseph was excited to see the Utahraptor. He likes to think of us as a Utahraptor family. He is posing with the Utahraptor in this picture. I finally remembered to ask someone to take a picture of me with the boys. It was a fun time. It was snowing outside when we left. Joseph was excited because grandma bought him a dimetridon before we left.
One thing that I have noticed about Joseph is that he throws a lot more tantrums when he is tired. I need to either put him to bed earlier (like tonight) or make him take a nap.
Samuel was sick yesterday, so I stayed home from preschool. Someone that lives close to us is also attending the preschool and she gave Joseph a ride with her son, Carson. She dropped them off because her little girl is sick also. I picked them up. Joseph enjoyed their craft because they made a farm and had lots of little vegetables planted in his field.
For Samuel, he is babbling lots more. He is also getting braver and starting to walk further each day. His current favorite way to walk is with someone holding one of his hands. He gets irritated if someone tries to grab his free hand. Samuel is reaching the age of wanting to play with whatever big brother is playing with. He and Joseph have fought over toys already. Most of the time I distract Samuel with a different toy because I am trying not to let Samuel get his way. One of my earliest memories as a little girl was being forced to let my baby brother play with any toy that I was playing with that he wanted...yeah you Ernest. ;) I do expect Joseph to share and sometimes let Joseph know that it is time for him to let his little brother play with a toy, but I let him do it.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Joseph: "Grandma needs to stop and think about things before she does them."
Mommy: "Yes she does."
Joseph: "She needs to stop and not do things like spank people." (refering to the fact that she spanked him once on the butt for hurting Samuel)
Later today:
Mommy: "Joseph, it is time to eat dinner."
Joseph: "Mommy, you forgot to say, "will you please.""
Mommy: "Yes she does."
Joseph: "She needs to stop and not do things like spank people." (refering to the fact that she spanked him once on the butt for hurting Samuel)
Later today:
Mommy: "Joseph, it is time to eat dinner."
Joseph: "Mommy, you forgot to say, "will you please.""
Monday, February 15, 2010
Joseph: "Why are they called dinoaurs?"
Daddy: "I think it means terrible lizards. When scientists first found the skeletons and saw how big they were they thought they would have been terrible. Do you think they are terrible?"
Joseph: "No they are not terrible. They are incredible."
Daddy: "If we find a fossil we can name it and tell people they are not terrible."
Joseph: "Then we can tell all the people that they are wrong and that dinosaurs are not terrible, but incredible."
Daddy: "I think it means terrible lizards. When scientists first found the skeletons and saw how big they were they thought they would have been terrible. Do you think they are terrible?"
Joseph: "No they are not terrible. They are incredible."
Daddy: "If we find a fossil we can name it and tell people they are not terrible."
Joseph: "Then we can tell all the people that they are wrong and that dinosaurs are not terrible, but incredible."
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Anniversary sweetie!!
Seven years and still counting,
Marriage days with love abounding,
Some days good and some days bad,
But happiness is always had,
With 2 cute boys that make us smile,
and laughs and jokes meant to rile,
You get me and I get you,
In many senses this is true,
My handsome Joe, my introverted one,
Here's to us and our 2 sons!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
So, here is my perspective on this movie. It was an entertaining movie. I enjoyed the characters and the scenery and I love the world that the director created. The plot itself was fairly predictable and my brother's comments that it was Fern Gullyish have some merit. It is hard for me to watch some actors and actresses because I wonder to myself how they can take a role or character so seriously (think X-men origins). I find it hard not to laugh or sneer with some acting sequences, but at least it was a fun movie. I can see now why it wasn't nominated in the best screenplay because it draws from so many other stereotypical movies of its genre. As for the 3-d, I have a lazy eye, so some of the effects were lost on me. I heard some people oohing over some parts and I couldn't see what they did. Visually, it was a beautiful movie and the political undertones could be overlooked. All in all, I would recommend this movie for its creativity and imagination that makes you wonder what other worlds are out there and poses an unasked question of how much propoganda do we listen to before we do what we know to be morally or ethically right.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Well, Samuel really never took a bottle and is loving his sippy cup. It has been a week since he has had any milk from me and he is finally adjusting to it. He does nuzzle up on occasion and a few mornings this past week he threw tantrums because he didn't want his sippy, but overall, the transition has been easy enough. I am still very tender. This morning at preschool, a little boy ran over to us to give me a hug and I wasn't anticipating it. When he crashed into my chest I little out a little yelp.
As for eating food, Samuel LOVES to eat what we eat. We have a Happy Baby food grinder, so it is easy to give him food and much cheaper than buying baby food. He has also started to sign more and all done. He thinks it is funny to have me show him the signs. All done is still a little shaky for him, he would rather hit the spoonful of food out of my hand. He eats as much if not more than his big brother. Some of his favorite foods:
Chocolate milk
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
INFJ +ISTP= a very cute couple
I am an INFJ according to the Meyers-Briggs test and Joe is an ISTP. I am a protector and Joe is a mechanic. Here are some personality highlights of an ISTP:
-quiet and reserved
-prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances
-expend energy in social situations (whereas extraverts gain energy)
-tend to be more concrete than abstract
-focus attention on the details rather than the big picture, and on immediate -realities rather than future possibilities
-tend to rely on objective criteria rather than personal values
-give more weight to logic than to social considerations
-Detached and analytical, they excel at finding solutions to practical problems
-they often enjoy solving organisational problems that need to be thought through
Other ISTP's: Clint Eastwood, Alan Shepard, Michael Jordan, Tom Cruise
For an INFJ here are some highlights:
-sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people
-Though affable and sympathetic to most, INFJs are selective about their friends
-rarely at complete peace with themselves - there's always something else they should be doing to improve themselves and the world around them
-natural nurturer; patient, devoted and protective
-strong value systems, and need to live their lives in accordance with what they feel is right
-very sensitive to conflict, and cannot tolerate it very well
-affinity for art and may excel in sciences
Other INFJ's: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela
Of course, it can be argued that I am more of the nurturer personality type. It fits me well too. Joe took the personality test for me and he tested me as anI NFJ. I tested Joe as an ISTJ, the duty fulfiller.
-quiet and reserved
-prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances
-expend energy in social situations (whereas extraverts gain energy)
-tend to be more concrete than abstract
-focus attention on the details rather than the big picture, and on immediate -realities rather than future possibilities
-tend to rely on objective criteria rather than personal values
-give more weight to logic than to social considerations
-Detached and analytical, they excel at finding solutions to practical problems
-they often enjoy solving organisational problems that need to be thought through
Other ISTP's: Clint Eastwood, Alan Shepard, Michael Jordan, Tom Cruise
For an INFJ here are some highlights:
-sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people
-Though affable and sympathetic to most, INFJs are selective about their friends
-rarely at complete peace with themselves - there's always something else they should be doing to improve themselves and the world around them
-natural nurturer; patient, devoted and protective
-strong value systems, and need to live their lives in accordance with what they feel is right
-very sensitive to conflict, and cannot tolerate it very well
-affinity for art and may excel in sciences
Other INFJ's: Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela
Of course, it can be argued that I am more of the nurturer personality type. It fits me well too. Joe took the personality test for me and he tested me as anI NFJ. I tested Joe as an ISTJ, the duty fulfiller.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Bad day and withdrawal pains
Joseph: "Today is a bad day."
Mommy: "Why is it a bad day?"
Joseph: "Daddy is at work and I want him to be here."
Samuel is really missing his breastmilk. He is angry when I carry him and won't give him any. He hasn't had any in 2 days. I know it is hard for him, but it also hurts me (in a figurative and literal sense).
Mommy: "Why is it a bad day?"
Joseph: "Daddy is at work and I want him to be here."
Samuel is really missing his breastmilk. He is angry when I carry him and won't give him any. He hasn't had any in 2 days. I know it is hard for him, but it also hurts me (in a figurative and literal sense).
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Daddy: "How about mommy reads you a book for bed?"
Joseph: "Why? You don't know how to read the words?"
Daddy: "Which story do you want to read?"
Joseph: "This one. Remember to say the words not read in your head."
Also, the other night Joseph helped his stuffed t-rex say the prayer. He would say one part of the prayer and then in a different voice he would repeat what he had just said. It was funny.
Joseph: "Why? You don't know how to read the words?"
Daddy: "Which story do you want to read?"
Joseph: "This one. Remember to say the words not read in your head."
Also, the other night Joseph helped his stuffed t-rex say the prayer. He would say one part of the prayer and then in a different voice he would repeat what he had just said. It was funny.
Friday, February 5, 2010
My poor little Samuel is almost done completely with breastfeeding. It is hard for me to watch my precious little boy turning towards me and nuzzling up because he wants milk. He has slept more poorly, but we are making it through. The other day, he started sucking on the corner of a pillow with his eyes closed. I love my little boy a lot and am so grateful that he is in our lives. :)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
First steps
Today Samuel stood by himself and took at least 3 steps. He freaked out about it. My mom let his hands go and he stepped towards me. Of course, when we cheered him on, he started to pout and cry. I will try and see if I can get him to be more brave. Baby steps, after all (I still don't like that movie).
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
He is learning so much so fast. He can now look at a letter and draw it. He recognizes all the letters. He counts to 13 (we are working on getting him to 20) and can draw a lot of the numbers. Joseph loves to do things. We are still working on getting him not to pretend that he is a dinosaur all the time. He definately entertains his baby brother. They seem to get a long great. Last night I was in the living room and I heard Samuel laughing and laughing in the toy room. Joseph was making him laugh. While Samuel was in the bath, Joseph came in and helped him splash the water. Samuel thought it was hilarious and snorted and laughed like crazy. My 2 boys are so much fun!!!
My little helpers
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