Saturday, September 5, 2009

New tooth

Samuel finally had his first tooth break through his gums. It is the lower right tooth. On Wednesday is when I noticed it. I have been checking his gums periodically each day because he is gnawing on his fingers so much...especially because at his 6 month check-up the doctor told me one was close to coming out. Needless to say, he has only tried to bite me once while feeding, but that was before the technically he gummed me. :)

His therapy is going okay. He is doing better but he is still not where the therapist wants him. It is funny because he wants Samuel to lean his head 45 degrees each way. He does to the left, but to the right he doesn't. As he was explaining to me what 45 degrees would look like, he drew a diagram. He then explained that Samuel has a big head and no neck, so 45 degrees to the right would be his ear squished into his shoulder. He also wants me to go back next week because he said that Samuel is big and I am petite and he is afraid that I am not able to do the stretches as effectively because he is so strong. I agree there. It is hard to do them.

Joseph has also started to pee by himself in the big toilet. He is so proud of himself, as am I. He likes to say, "I will go to the bathroom by myself." It makes me happy, especially because that means in the morning I can lay in bed for a few more minutes.

We went to lunch with Grandma Nunez yesterday and then we went to D.I. We found a kitchen set from 1987 that was dirty and had a lot of the toys. It was the best $3 spent at D.I. ever. Joseph loves it. After I cleaned it and the stuff with soap and water and then disinfected it, I let him have it. He has been cooking and washing dishes. His favorite part is the phone. He has been making phone calls to his friends and inviting them to dinner. So far, his favorite person to call and talk to is his friend Bryan.

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