Sunday, July 26, 2009

3 solid meals a day...

does not bode well with little Samuel. He does not like solid food. He has been waking up more at night because he is hungry. I was used to my good little baby that slept from 8 p.m. till about 6 a.m. More recently, he would wake up at least 2 times a night and one of those times, he wanted to eat. It made for a tired mommy and daddy. I started him on solids last Monday. He started with carrots, then prunes, then applesauce...he did not like any of them. Here are some pictures.

I did find that he likes peaches and today we tried bananas. He liked those as well. It is funny to watch him eat. He makes me laugh. Most of the time, he seals his lips. Even if you try to make him laugh, he will keep his lips sealed. He hides his face, he turns, he wriggles. Samuel is a picky eater now...I don't want to see how picky he is when he gets bigger. :)


Michelle said...

Aren't you still nursing him too? I've heard that they still need to nurse like normal and that the solids are just for them to get used to food. But I am not an expert. That is how I did it with Nathan. He still mostly nursed just as much, but ate some solids too...but I wasn't good at regularly giving him solids until 9 months either... Good luck getting him to sleep better again! (I'm not really a good authority on that problem for sure!)

Vatonurse said...

We tried the same, Elena loved everything that we gave her except carrots. We were lucky. Good luck!