Friday, September 3, 2010


Quote: "I want to eat healthy...just like daddy."

So the other day I was cleaning, and I decided that I would grab a Sunkist. It has been a long time since I have had one and I was thirsty. After opening the can, I took a large sip and gagged. It took everything I had not to spit it out. I forced myself to swallow. I couldn't drink anymore. Why? Because it reminded me of the glucose drink they have you drink during pregnancy. It tasted just like it and each time I had to drink it (2 times with Joseph and 2 times with Samuel), I felt sick the rest of the day. Well, Sunkist is now in the same category as that glucose drink and I will never drink it again. I shudder just thinking about it. Ewwww.

I taught nursery today. It took everything I had to keep the kids focused. I finally gave up trying to get them to listen to scriptures and found they focused well when we sang a song about creation with signs. I decided to teach them signs for different animals and the sounds they make as part of their lesson on creation. They really enjoyed it.

Samuel has started folding his arms for prayer. He won't say amen yet, but when we say it is time for prayer, he gets ready. It's cute. At night, I rock him and sing to him before bed. When he is ready to lay down, often he will fold his arms for a hint to say it and let him rest.

We moved Joseph into the same room as Samuel. We had to reiterate to him the conditions of moving him into the room: 1) no getting out of bed at night, 2) no crying or calling out for mommy or daddy, 3) no playing after we put him to bed. Joseph was so excited to be moved in with Samuel. The first night, after they had been in bed a couple of hours, he started to cry. In return, it woke up Samuel and he started to cry. Joseph was afraid we would move him out of the room. Yesterday we went to Lowe's and found a couple of night lights. Joe told him they also worked to zap ghosts. Right now the boys are in the room playing. Joseph did tell me that he and Samuel were going to play in the morning when they woke up.

We are still trying to find the right house for our family. Hopefully we will get one soon. :)


Heather said...

The room sharing thing is tough. Right now we are staying with Ben's parents, and all three kids and Ben and I are in the same room. The big kids get out of bed to get water or the bathroom and the baby wakes. The baby cries and doesn't want to sleep and keeps the big kids awake. Ben and I come in to go to bed and stub a toe and wake up a child. It never ends.

Michelle said...

That's funny about the Sunkist. I agree that it tastes like the glucose drink, only I didn't think the glucose drink tasted that bad. I kind of like Sunkist! :)

I love that Joseph told you he and Samuel were going to play in the morning when they woke up. Cute. The night part, not so fun, but kind of cute to hear them happy and playing in the morning!

Vatonurse said...

I had sunkist a couple of years ago and thought that it was disgusting.

If you do Nursery you should try and do the "lesson" shortly after or even during snacktime. It seems to work. We also tried to make the arts and crafts project tied into the lesson.

Good luck with the house.