Friday, March 5, 2010

And I remember why I left teaching...

Today in biology a group of 6 guys were swearing and not doing their final paper for the class. After a few warnings, I decided to get up and inquire how things were going:

Me: "How is your paper coming along?"
Student: "I am not doing the paper because you didn't take me to Bajio."
Me: "You are doing your paper because I didn't take you to Bajio? You are not in my class."
Student: "I am not in Josh's class and he let me go to Kneader's with them."
Me: "I guess I am not as nice as Josh."
Student: "That kind of came back to slap you in the face (referring to not taking him to Bajio."

Yeah. Students like him (which are all too common) are a pain and have no respect. They feel all too entitled. This was a perfect reminder of why I wanted to leave teaching in the first place. Thank you student for refreshing my memory.

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