Samuel is such a fun kid. He is wanting to talk and to do more and more each day. Tonight I was trying to get him ready for bed and he kept putting his fingers on my mouth so I could make noises as he brushed them up and down. He was chatting up a storm and only he knows what he is talking about. He kept touching my thumb with his thumb just to make sure it was still there.
One thing that is funny to watch is him pounding his fists on his chest like Tarzan or a gorilla. I still need to get a good video of it. Joseph and Samuel are having fun together and we are having fun with them. Joseph is excited for a Knight activity at the library this Saturday. A week from today, we will probably be going to the dinosaur museum for a dinosaur Easter egg hunt. It is from 5 to 7 in the evening, so we will have to see if daddy can get off work early to come with us. It is also Uncle Ziggy's birthday, so we will see what we do for that as well.
I finished teaching health and need to enter grades. They want me to fill in for their counselor when she is gone on maternity leave. I told them the only way it would be possible is if they will let me bring my boys. I don't want to be gone from them anymore than the 2 hours that I am gone from them for my Spanish class. They might let me do it and they might let Joseph attend the kindergarten class while I counsel and teach. We will see if that is what I decide to do.
Right now (Tuesday morning), I am sitting in the ark. Lately Joseph has been fascinated with Noah's ark. He "built" an ark in Samuel's room and over the past few days has been bringing things that we need onto the ark. Currently the ark is in disarray because Samuel has torn all of the puzzles off the shelves and spread them everywhere. He is also following his big brother around the room and taking out toys everywhere he goes. He misplaced his letter "I" and started carrying around the zero from another puzzle. Of course, when you give him the I, he lets go of the zero.
Things that Joseph has put into the ark:
-an apple, a banana, an orange, a bottle of water, and some dinosaur fruit snacks.
-my purse
-daddy's t.v. remote
-the thermometer
-lots of toys and books
-toilet paper
-his swim trunks
-his cowboy hat
Everyday he adds more to his ark so that we can be safe from the flood.