Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Would you eat them in a house, would you eat them with a mouse

Joseph is starting to recognize words that sound the same on his own. We have now talked about rhyming words. It all started because my friend Emily gave me a CD filled with dinosaur songs (Joseph loves to listen to it if we are in the car). The end of the CD is someone reading Green Eggs and Ham. We were driving and he heard them say house and mouse. He said, "They are the, mouse." Since then, in books that we read, he has started to identify other words that sound the same like kitten and mitten. It was fun to see him pick up on it, especially because I hadn't thought of pointing it out to him.

Oh! I can count the number of days till the baby comes on 2 hands. Yay and yikes!! I think I have a smaller case of PUPPPs this time around. It itches so bad. It is not as wide spread as with Joseph, but I am hoping this little one will come out sooner than Joseph did. With Joseph I had it for 1 month. I am going on a little over a week with the itchiness. At least the palms of my hands and the tops of my feet and thighs are not itching, so therefore I have no need to scratch till it bleeds.

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