Friday, January 16, 2009


I went to the doctor today. While I was there, there was a little blood coming out, so I thought I was passing my plug. Apparently, that is already gone. I am 67% effaced and dilated to a 3 and a half. The baby could come at anytime, but if he doesn't come soon, they scheduled an induction for Thursday at 1 pm. I am under orders from Joe and my brother Ziggy to not do anything this weekend. They want a nice holiday break before the baby. Esteban has National Guard stuff next weekend, so he asked me not to have the baby on his due date. Geez, all these demands when I actually have no control over the timing.

Joseph is starting to have more attitude, especially when he is tired. The other day we went to look for curtains. He wanted to be carried and not put into a cart. He wouldn't walk either. Joe finally picked him up before he made a scene in the store. He looked at me over daddy's shoulder and smiled. Little stinker!! We walked to the toy section and he wanted to wiggle out of daddy's arms. We told him that because he was tired he couldn't get down and look at the toys. He could only pass by them. He reacted okay. No tantrums. Anyways...I need to run (translation: waddle ever so slowly and prop myself on the counter) to do dishes.


Michelle said...

Wow. You are getting so close! I can't wait! I love that you have so many requests for when to have the baby...when really, he'll just come whenever he darn well pleases! I tried to tell Nathan to come earlier than he did, but he didn't want to...sigh. haha Good luck with everything! I can't wait to see pictures of my new nephew! I hope everything goes well!

Unknown said...

I'm thinking of you! Good luck!