Saturday, August 23, 2008

Long time no blog

Well, time flies by when you have a house to clean and fix. Joe has been busy with the remodel. He is going to attack our family room, which is good and bad. Good because then the basement will be done, but bad because we have no other room to hangout in at the moment. I guess that means more time at the kitchen table.

Congrats to Alison and Ryan. We are excited for your wedding and hope that you can find a day in which most, if not all, of the family can be there.
Joseph has a new pet. It is a fire bellied toad. He loves it. We realized after owning it for almost a week that it prefers live crickets (don't waste your money on the can o' crickets). Here is a picture of Joseph with his toad. He can't hold it often because it might give him a rash. Unfortunately a pet means clean up after said pet. That means I need to start cleaning his habitat. Joseph thinks that his toad is a frog that we named toad. I have to say that it is cool to watch the toad eat. It is really fast and good at catching live crickets.

Joseph also enjoys talking to his little brother or sister. The doctor thinks it is a boy from a couple of ultrasounds, but my official ultrasound is on September 9 at 11 a.m. I don't know what I am having. I dreamnt before I was pregnant that I had another cute little boy, but I don't know if it was a revelatory dream or just me wanting a baby. Here is Joseph sharing his toys with his sibling. That is my belly. I don't know how I can look so big considering how low the baby actually is at the moment.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I LOVE the dino lap picture! That's SO cute! And your belly does NOT look big. I think mine may be bigger and I'm not even pregnant anymore! ;)