Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cute phrases and more from the mouth of a 2 year old (on the 20th)

Samuel now says:

"Ewww...ewwww...dross." (gross for those who don't speak Samuelese)
"Cool." (That just started late last week, it is so cute to hear him say it)
"Read it book." (We have to work on word order)
"Moo." (If he sees pretty much any animal except a dog, snake and pig)
"magilk" (strange word meaning chocolate milk)
"Oopies" (I say oopsies a lot)

He is also very adept at yelling when not crying or screaming.

Santa gave him a teddy bear from Build-a-bear that is named Samson. He hugs it at night and gives it "tissies (kissies)" and says his name.

Other things he does:
-Likes to have his hands and feet traced. He then proceeds to say "happy" which means you need to draw a smiley face in it. He also likes you to do this with moons, hearts, and stars and then he will say, "happy moon" or "happy star" or...I think you get it. :)
-He likes to draw circles himself. He will then ask you to repeat the above action.
-Has an issue where he thinks that the world is his canvas and proceeds to color it as his little artistic eye sees fit (which means mommy needs to go and scrub the fridge or the floor).
-Loves to play with Joseph but likes to declare that everything is "mine" which frustrates Joseph at times.
-Enjoys it when daddy tickles him and will prepare himself for it.
-When it is time for bed he will run to daddy and try to stay in his lap.

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