Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Zombie apocalypse

So today I found myself looking around outside wondering if it had happened. I know it is a silly fear, but zombies freak me out. I have had zombie apocalypse dreams for as long as I can remember...some more vivid than others. In one dream the door turned to paper and I willed myself awake. In another I had to grab a rifle and shoot some. In another, Samuel was crawling among them and I had to save him. It is always worst when my little boys are involved or other members of my family. Often I make myself wake up from the dream and try to stay awake for a bit so I can change the dream. Joe jokes about getting a house that would be good for a zombie apocalypse (which he says will happen one day).

Today I was grateful to see people driving around in their cars. It appeased my fear momentarily. For those that are trying to psychoanalyze my irrational fear, understand that I can take a step back and know what is real...but I think I might start carrying a bat with me...just in case. I would post a picture of a zombie, but I wouldn't be able to look at my blog post.


Alison Russell said...

Ahh shouldn't we all learn how to kill zombies like Elizabeth Bennet? Speaking of which, the same author wrote a book about Abraham Lincoln's youth spent killing vampires. I have it out of the library, but haven't started reading it yet.
Ryan isn't afraid of a zombie apocalyse, just a regular apocalyse so he's obsessed with learning how to be self sustaining and building a 'bomb shelter' to stay in if people attack us wanting food someday..

Danika said...

I beat Oprah up once in a dream. Surprisingly she didn't put up much of a fight and I woke up feeling much better.

Michelle said...

This makes me smile everytime I think of it - I especially like how you mention them again with the blizzard! :)