Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Because I haven't blogged for what seems to be a long time...

I haven't blogged in what seems like ages. We are trying to get holiday plans hashed out and trying to find a house (again). We have an offer in on one house, and are planning to put one in on another house. I found a house that might be nice, but we need to look at it. Joe has had to work some long hours in the past few weeks because of budget stuff.

Joseph is pretty good at writing all the letters and his name. I haven't taught him our address because we don't have a home yet. He is a good big brother. We made his Christmas list tonight...some of the things he asked for (this is a random sampling):

3 pencils for homework
a blanket that is soft, cozy, and really warm
oranges for his stocking because he really likes them

We worked on the list for a bit to get some ideas on paper.

Samuel has had a rough go sleeping the past few weeks. Tonight we had him cry it out for the first time in a long time. He is finally in bed. I am going to bed soon too. He talks a lot more and says "milt (milk)", "nanny (candy)", "nack (snack)", all fruits other than bananas are "apple", and he likes to walk around asking "are you...shoe (or "boot (book)", "sippy")?"

I am just ready for a place to call home again.

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