Friday, February 22, 2013

Joseph quote

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Rankin last weekend.  We were eating dinner on Sunday before we came home.  We were talking about church and what we learned.  At church Samuel was being fussy, so I took him to the mother's lounge to sit with him towards the end of sacrament.  I guess after I left sacrament meeting, Grandpa and Joseph were giggling at pictures that they were drawing together.  They were drawing pictures of family members and when it came time to draw Aunt Chrissy, Joseph drew an actual ant and said "Ant Chrissy."  They were having a grand ole time.  Anyways, back to dinner.  Before prayer Grandpa was telling Joseph that they needed to repent because they should have been more reverent in sacrament meeting.  Joseph had been learning about the steps for baptism during his class.  Well when Grandpa said they needed to repent, Joseph said, "No I don't.  I am not 8 yet."  Everyone at the table started to laugh.  It was funny because technically he is right.  Grandpa laughed the loudest.  :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

This is hilarious! I can just picture everyone laughing and grandpa laughing the loudest! :) I'm glad you get to live close, even for just a little while!