Thursday, March 1, 2012

Samuel conversation

Tonight was the Graduate Information Banquet. I planned the event, so I was stressed about how it would turn out. It was nice and the food was good. I was at work till almost 9:30 tonight. I got home and Joe said Samuel was waiting for me. I went in to say goodnight.

Mommy: "Do you want me to rock you?"
Samuel: "yes."

I start to get the covers ready to rock him and find a little something.
Mommy: "Samuel, what is this?"
Samuel: "It is the scorpion's claw (he had torn it off from his toy)."
Mommy: "I will be right back."

As I get the covers ready to rock him again the conversation proceeds:

Samuel: "You need to rock me because daddy is a boy; because only girls can rock little boys."

It's nice to know that I am missed. :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I'm glad the graduate banquet turned out well! Sounds stressful, but a great accomplishment!!! That is so sweet about Samuel. :)