Friday, April 8, 2011


Funny tidbits:

Joseph: "What did BYU say to the U?"
Mommy: "What did BYU say?"
Joseph: "Give us your dollar money!"

Samuel as I am putting on hose for work and with a huge smile on his face:

Samuel: "Cool. Cool feet."

This morning, Samuel comes in carrying 2 triangle blocks:

Samuel: "Triangle. (putting the 2 blocks together) Look, square."

Samuel also likes to talk about himself in the 3rd person:

"Samuel stuffy."
"Samuel sick"
"Samuel go nigh-night."

If we are asleep and he wants us to get him something:

Samuel: "Samuel hurt down there. Samuel poopy."

He actually is not hurt and doesn't have poop, but once we are up he then says, "I want milk." What a little trickster.

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