Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oh the joys...

Joe came home early from work yesterday and had a sore throat. Last night he hardly slept and had a fever of 102 when he woke up this morning. I left with the boys to run errands and to let him rest. He had a fever and lay in bed most of the day. I cooked some homemade chicken noodle soup for him. He started to feel better this evening. We decided to watch a movie.

At about midnight, Joseph woke up to go to the bathroom. I helped him and then I asked if he wanted me to carry him to bed. He said, "Yes. I hurt all over." Feeling his little forehead, I could tell he had a temperature. Sure enough, it is at a 102 as well. Joe and I tried to calm him down so we could give him medicine. He started to hyperventilate (something he does when he gets overly excited). It took about 20 minutes to calm him down. We gave him a popsicle and tylenol and he is now back in bed. He wants his covers on him because he is cold. I turned on his fan and humidifier to help him out.

Ironically, we are supposed to be sustained (Joe and I) as primary teachers tomorrow. I don't think we will be going to church. Samuel has had a runny nose, Joseph has a fever...I am just hoping that I don't get sick. I especially hope that Samuel doesn't get a fever. My mind keeps imagining febrile seizures and I don't want to experience that ever again. It makes me shudder to think of it.

Samuel is peeking out at me from his crib right now. Joseph cried a lot and it woke him up. We don't know where Joe was exposed to being sick. I don't think that flu shots can get other people sick around you unless you get the flu. Oh well. Here is to a long night with a tired baby, a sick boy and sick husband. :P


Michelle said...

I hope everyone is feeling better soon! Any idea what they have?

Tina and Joe Rankin said...

No idea. Joseph's fever has been on and off all day. Joe's has subsided for the most part. Samuel is just super congested. As for me, I guess we shall see.

Bentoxic said...

Sounds like Heather right now. At least my children who don't eat veggies aren't sick. yet. I feel for you.