Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Yesterday was quite the day. Joseph was playing when he stopped and looked at me with tears in his eyes. He said, "my ear hurts inside." I checked him all day for a fever and took him to the doctor. His fever got to 101. He has the starts of an ear infection because of all the allergy and snot he has had. He slept in our bed last night which meant no sleep for me and Joe. Samuel also decided to wake up at 1 a.m. I am tired today. Right now the house is a mess, so I need to stop blogging and get up and not motivated to do it.

Here are the Rankin boy cousins. Jeff and Michelle came to our home one night last week. The boys played together. They met us at the dinosaur museum.
Here is Amy. We had fun on her last night here with us. Thanks for coming and visiting us. It was fun to have you!

I thought this was a cool pic that Joe took. He had to chase after Joseph and could hardly look at the displays. Joseph was running to his favorite activities at the museum.

Joseph with his Aunts. They look too young to be Aunts. He loved having Amy here with us. Everyday she wasn't around he asked when she would be back.
Great Aunt Kim met us at the museum with Joe's cousins. She is great in more than one way! She has a family pass, so we were able to get in for half price. That is awesome. Joseph had fun running around with Matthew. Of course, he did complain that cousin Matthew was taking away his sand at the sand table.
Joseph at the dimetridon display. Joe had to stop him and take the picture because Joesph was running to the water and sand table. I love the expression in this shot.
Amy with Samuel. He looks happy. Look at all the drool. He goes through bibs like there is no tomorrow.
Joseph before we entered the museum. He was acting like a dinosaur.
Joseph sporting some sunglasses. I like the cool pose that he struck for the shot. It looks like he has complex eyes. What a cutie!
Joseph styling in his sunglasses and rainboots. He likes to put them on and walk around the house.
One night as I was getting Samuel to bed, Joseph entertained himself by making a city on a mountain. He took over 30 minutes creating this masterpiece. I felt bad that I had to clean it up. What a creative little boy! He has done this a couple of times since then.

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