Thursday, January 5, 2012

Great Brain

Joseph has an ongoing project at school called a Great Brain project. It allows students to choose something they want to study about and do a project on it. Joseph chose the ocean. We created a diorama of the layers of the ocean with creatures that live in the different zones. He was so excited to present it at school. His teacher was impressed that he remembered everything by himself, because usually parents help their kids present. Oops. I guess I didn't get that memo. I will post pictures of his project later. Now he wants to do one on the human body.


Celia said...

I can't believe Joseph is 6! Good job, Joseph! I am sure he did an amazing job. He could really wow them if you did a presentation on dinosaurs :)

Michelle said...

Every time I see this title, I think it says "Great Britain" and then I think you are going to visit and then I get excited and then I realize I was wrong and I get sad! :)