There was a healthy recipe contest at Joseph's school. I asked what he wanted to enter and he said soup. There is a soup we make that is super easy and Joseph and Samuel like it a lot. It is a play off of Italian wedding soup. One of the specifications was to use beans in the recipe if you could. We entered our recipe and Joseph came home from school one day and he had won the contest. He got lots of small certificates and on Tuesday of last week, they made his recipe and served it at lunch. Here is a picture of Joseph being served his winning recipe by the lunch lady.
Last weekend was also Big Guy/Little Guy at the library. There was a Star Wars theme, so there were aliens and Jedis running around the library. Joseph and Samuel had fun with their dad. Samuel refused to get into the picture with Darth Vader and the storm troopers.
Here the boys are digging for moon rocks which they got to keep. I have other things to do right now, so I will blog more later.