Samuel turned 3 on January 20th. He is a cute little boy with a lot of spunk. When he is happy he is adorable, when he is cranky, he is not afraid to let you know about it. Things about Samuel:
He likes berries.
He loves to mimic his older brother and considers Joseph's friends his friends.
Loves to sing and dance. He typically dances from side to side singing "ya, ya"
Is finally potty training. He is close, but not quite there.
Loves to draw.
Won't really watch TV unless we are watching Bill Nye, Funny Show (America's
Home Videos), and occasionally Scooby Doo.
Talks up a storm.
For his birthday he wanted to go to the Bean Museum. Of course, he was scared of all the animals that were there, unless they were behind glass. Here is Joe looking so excited to have his picture taken.
He started basketball a couple of weeks ago, but we haven't been the past couple of times. He refuses to play or let go of his ball. Joseph loves it and wants to go, but Samuel might have to wait a little longer. :)
He is also quite the little architect. Here he is with one of his creations. He built this all by himself, but he gets frustrated if they fall. I think we need to get him some megabloks, but that is a long time coming. We are impressed with how well he builds and balances his toys.
Joseph has been doing great also. Here we are working on his science fair project. He got a "Easy to Understand Ribbon" at the fair and today he and other science fair participants got to eat lunch (pizza) with the principal. He is reading pretty well. The other week he thought we had forgotten to sign his reading folder, so he did it himself. I will take a picture of his forging skills. He decided to Joe's initials because they were easier than mine. He did a convincing job. Joe and I laughed when we saw it, but we talked to him without laughing about why he shouldn't do that. He also told us that he likes to "relax" when he is at the computer and not do anything. He is an honest little boy. I spoke to his teacher and she said he is one of the top readers in her class and that he is a good student in math too. She also said he is a social little chap. That describes him so well.
That is all for now. I will try to post more pictures later and talk about our anniversary (which we spent finishing the science fair project).